Our Work

Community Change builds the power of low-income people, especially people of color, to win changes on the issues that impact their lives. By fusing the power of organizing, ideas, and politics, we fuel bold and enduring movements that win big.

"America will be a country for all of us. Period."
Dorian Warren, president of Community Change

"Community Change” is both our name and a statement of our purpose. Our goal is to dramatically improve material conditions for people struggling to make ends meet in the United States, and we have a 15-year plan to do so. On the path ahead, our role is to fuse the power of organized people, bold ideas, and political clout — a three-dimensional power that we believe is the recipe for an economy and democracy where everyone can thrive.

Winning on the Issues

Community Change is committed to fighting for policies and practices that improve the material conditions of low-income communities right now--even as we work to change the structures and systems that perpetuate injustice.

We work with community-based partners across the country to lead these campaigns because we believe the people who are most marginalized by injustice should play a central role in defining solutions and strategies to implement them.

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Immigrant Rights

Community Change and our partners in the FIRM fight for a vision of an America that is united, strong, and free.


Child Care Justice

Community Change is building a national movement that’s fighting to make child care a public good — a service to which every family is entitled and from which nearly every facet of American life benefits.


Income Support

Community Change seeks broad structural reform to lift millions of people across the country out of poverty by ensuring an income floor.


Housing Justice

Everyone deserves a safe, affordable place to call home, and Community Change is fighting for the resources and policies to make that right a reality.


Building Power

We envision a country in which all people and communities thrive. Our role in the larger fight for freedom and justice involves building power through organizing, voting, and visionary ideas that combine people in movements that bridge differences across race, gender, and national origin.

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Black-Led Organizing

Community Change is fighting to repair the damage of centuries of economic assaults on Black communities and to open opportunities for a self-determined quality of life.


Leadership Development

Leadership development is an integral part of community organizing, and Community Change builds the power of movement leaders.


Narrative Change

Community Change seeks to build support for our policy priorities and our communities by shifting deeply ingrained paradigms.


Relational Organizing

Community Change and our partners are bringing the basics of community organizing into civic engagement strategies that are proven to increase participation in our democracy.


Voter Engagement

We see year-round democracy as a model to both change the electorate and build infrastructure in communities. It is a key way that low-income communities, particularly low-income communities of color, can build and exercise power.

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Community Change Action

Community Change’s 501(c)4 sister organization, Community Change Action, engages millions of voters to make their voices heard at the ballot box. In 2020, it will operate statewide programs in five states: Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin.
